Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Facts of Indonesian Language

-      Indonesian people call Indonesian Language as Bahasa Indonesia.

- Indonesian language - combined with other Malay Language Family -  is the 7th largest language with approximately 259 million speakers.

- If you've mastered Indonesian language, it's a lot easier to understand other Malay language family, such as Melayu (Malaysian language) and Bruneian language.

- In 2007, Indonesian became the 2nd official language in Vietnam.

- Indonesian is the 26th largest language from 250 languages in

- Indonesian  is the 3rd largest language that is used in wordpress blog posts.

- The speakers of Indonesian can be found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore,  the Netherlands, Suriname, East Timor, the Philippines, Australia, Saudi Arabia, New Caledonia, and the United States

- VOA chooses Bahasa Indonesia as one of the broadcasting language among other 51 languages.

- BBC preferences on Indonesian as one of its World Service 27 languages instead of Malay, despite United Kingdom colonial ties with Malaysia.
See : source

- Indonesian uses Latin script as the official alphabet.

- Indonesian used to be written in Malay-Arabic script (Jawi Script).